The "Human Squirrel" who did many daring "stunts" in climbing for benefit of War Relief Funds in New York City. He is shown… Image from public domain licenseThe announcing of the armistice on November 11, 1918, was the occasion for a monster celebration in Philadelphia… Image from public domain licenseTraining Camp Activities. Bayonet fighting instruction by an English Sergeant Major, Camp Dick, Texas, ca. 1917 - ca. 1918.… Image from public domain licenseU.S.S. Maui . Bordeaux, France. Hospital ship loading wounded. [Transport of sick and wounded.] World War, 1914-1918.… Image from public domain licenseThe American Soldiers in Presence of Gas during World War I (1918). Original image from National Museum of Health and… Image from public domain licenseMap of Zeppelin and aeroplane bombs on London. From: World War I photograph album (1919) by Herbert Green. Original from… Image from public domain licenseGerman prisoners in a French prison camp. French Pictorial Service., 1917 - 1919. Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licenseA military recruitment poster reading "Even a dog enlists, why not you?" for World War I (1914-1916) chromolithograph by… Image from public domain licenseOverseas men welcomed home. Parade in honor of returned fighters passing the Public Library, New York City. Original public… Image from public domain licenseSoldiers being mustered out at Camp Dix. New Jersey, 1918. Underwood and Underwood., 1917 - 1919. Original public domain… Image from public domain licensePhotograph of Passengers Rescued from the French Liner Sontay, 04/1918. Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain license351st Field Artillery [African American] Troops on the Deck of the "Louisville." Part of the Squadron "A" 351st Field… Image from public domain licenseHospital train 64, Allery, France, unloading a hospital train full of influenza patients during World War I. Original image… Image from public domain license"Put fighting blood in your business Here's his record! Does he get a job!" --Arthur Woods, Assistant to the Secretary of… Image from public domain licenseVocational training for S.A.T.C. in University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Class in Pole-Climbing in the course for telephone… Image from public domain licenseZum Weltkrieg 1914! (1914) by W. Karnahl. Original from The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library. Digitally enhanced by… Image from public domain licenseAmerican soldiers wanted poster, aesthetic lithograph. Original public domain image by James Montgomery Flagg from the… Image from public domain licensePhotograph of San Francisco Yeomen Attached to the Naval Reserve, 06/1918. Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licenseAmerican troops in Vladivostok parading before the building occupied by the staff of the Czecho-Slovaks. Japanese marines… Image from public domain licenseDischarge of a huge French cannon caught by the camera just as the projectile left for the German lines. The gunners have… Image from public domain licenseReturning from a U-Boat scouting party. Aerial naval observer coming down from a "Blimp" type balloon after a scouting tour… Image from public domain licenseThe Famous 369th Arrive in New York City. Members of the 369th [African American] Infantry, formerly 15th New York Regulars.… Image from public domain licenseWorld War I Memorial. Original image from Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress collection. Digitally enhanced… licenseFamous New York soldiers return home. [The] 369th Infantry (old 15th National Guard of New York City) was the first New York… Image from public domain licenseEmbarked for France. Western Newspaper Union, 1917. Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licenseOf course I can! I'm as patriotic as can be -- and ration points won't worry me! (1944), vintage poster by Dick Williams.… Image from public domain licenseBritons! Your country needs you Printed by Saunders & Cullingham, 2 & 3 Burgon Street, Carter Lane, London, E.C. Image from public domain license"First to Fight." A group of U.S. Marines. US Marine Corps Recruiting Publicity Bureau., 1918. Original public domain image… Image from public domain licenseLaunching the Quistconck, first completed at Hog Island shipyards. The President and Mrs. Wilson are standing on the… Image from public domain licenseDistinguished Service Cross and ribbon issued to Lewis Broadus, National Museum of African American History and Culture Image from public domain licenseInfantry combat scene in Bougainville, France (1914). Original image from National Museum of Health and Medicine. Digitally… Image from public domain licenseChest X–ray of patient with influenza during World War I. Original image from National Museum of Health and Medicine.… Image from public domain licenseWeichnachts Sammlung des bayerischen Roten Kreuzes fur die Feldgrauen W.P. Original public domain image from Library of… Image from public domain licenseSoldiers carrying rifles with fixed bayonets, advancing through barbed wire entanglements / WT Benda (1918) by Wladyslaw… licenseSPD 8th Provisional July 4, 1918 at SeasideWWI Spruce Production Division - established to harvest wood for military… Image from public domain licensePNG WW1 trench with sorrow british soldier art illustration historical. licenseWW1 trench with sorrow british soldier art illustration historical. licenseBits of careless talk are pieced together by the enemy Stevan Dohanos. Vintage propaganda poster from World War 2. Image from public domain licenseA military recruitment poster reading "Even a dog enlists, why not you?" for World War I (1914-1916) chromolithograph by… Image from public domain licenseFrench Refugee Children. While waiting for train, children were fed with bread and milk from American Red Cross soldiers… Image from public domain license"Getting em up" at U.S.Naval Training Camp, Seattle, Washington. Webster & Stevens., ca. 1917 - ca. 1918. Original public… Image from public domain license"Spirit of '18. The World Cry FOOD. Keep the home gardening going.", ca. 1917 - ca. 1919. Original public domain image from… Image from public domain license"Ring it Again. Buy a United States Government Bond of the Second Liberty Loan of 1917. Help Your Country and Yourself."… Image from public domain licenseHas eleven sons in service. Ike Sims of Atlanta, Georgia, 87 years old, has eleven sons in the service. Original public… Image from public domain license"Save the products of the land. Eat more fish- they feed themselves.". Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licenseAesthetic US's Uncle sam png on transparent background. Remastered by rawpixel licenseAesthetic US's Uncle sam psd. Remastered by rawpixel licenseWar and Public Health Exhibition: 1915, Apr.-May. in the Homeland. Original public domain image from Flickr Image from public domain licenseHelp the Red Cross liberty duck! Black and white photograph featuring a "liberty duck" that was used to publicize the Red… Image from public domain licenseNurse supporting a soldier, Collection: Images from the History of Medicine (IHM) (1914) Image from public domain licenseTributes to the Soldiers in WarCollection:Images from the History of Medicine (IHM) Author(s):Carpanetto, Giovanni Battista… Image from public domain licenseNurse in White Veil. This is a color photographic postcard of a World War I French nurse. She is shown from the chest up.… Image from public domain licenseWomen of Boston are lending a helping hand in the drive for peach stones, which are being used by the Government in the… Image from public domain licenseVintage soldiers, wrinkled paper texture licenseUncle Sam png USA election poster illustration, transparent background. Free public domain CC0 image. licenseAesthetic US's Uncle sam illustration. Remastered by rawpixel licenseLieutenant Earl Carroll, prominent composer, is now a full-fledged aviator in the U.S. Service. He is shown beside his fast… Image from public domain licenseGrande kermesse des fleurs 19 et 20 mai 1918. A l'Hôtel de Ville de Bordeaux. Au profit des oeuvres de guerre et de l'enfance Image from public domain licenseCloisters of the Church of Saint John of the Kings, Toledo, Spain by Charles Clifford Image from public domain licenseUncle Sam png pointing finger sticker, transparent background, remixed by rawpixel. licenseColumbia calls--Enlist now for U.S. Army designed by Frances Adams Halsted ; painted by V. Aderente. Image from public domain licenseThe mess kit Vol. 1, no. Image of the cover page of The mess-kit, vol. 1, no. 3 showing a drawing of a ship sailing in the… Image from public domain licenseUncle sam png sticker, James Montgomery Flagg's artwork in bubble transparent background. Remixed by rawpixel. licenseSoignons la basse-cour. Je suis une brave poule de guerre, je mange peu et produis beaucoup G. Douanne, 16 ans. Image from public domain licenseShare in the victory--Save for your country--Save for yourself--Buy War Savings Stamps Haskell Coffin ; Mural Advertising… Image from public domain licenseGee!! I wish I were a man, I'd join the Navy Be a man and do it - United States Navy recruiting station (1917), vintage… Image from public domain licenseGee!! I wish I were a man, I'd join the Navy Be a man and do it - United States Navy recruiting station (1917), vintage… Image from public domain licenseCome on - Join now 15,000,000 members by Christmas R. Fayerweather Babcock ; Walton & Spencer Co., Chicago, Ill. Image from public domain licenseThere is a Liberty Bond in this house Commercial Art Class, Maryland Institute. Image from public domain licenseRed Cross workers carrying wounded bugler into hospitalCollection: Images from the History of Medicine (IHM) Contributor(s):… Image from public domain licensePhotographic postcard of Cpl. Lawrence Leslie McVey in uniform, Alfred Phillip Mighell Image from public domain licenseRecruits with their mattresses tied to them to serve as life preservers. Photo taken at Newport Naval Training Station… Image from public domain licenseNurse bandaging soldier's headCollection: Images from the History of Medicine (IHM) Contributor(s): Zwerdling, Michael… Image from public domain licenseHiring Instagram post template licenseJoin the Army Air Service, be an American eagle Charles Livingston Bull ; Alpha Litho. Co., Inc., N.Y. Image from public domain license